From the course: Azure for DevOps: Dependency Management

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Publishing to a feed

Publishing to a feed

- [Instructor] We've set up our artifacts feed, integrated into our pipeline, and connected it to our development environment. Now, let's create a custom package and make it available through artifacts. We've seen how to use upstream sources to consume from npm. It becomes a single spot for us to get our packages and share what we produce with our teams. In fact, Microsoft actually recommends we only have a single feed for a repository. In the case of our project, we would just reference our artifact feeds and any packages our team needs would be in there. As such, it becomes our source of truth. Let's look at how we would publish and some considerations when doing this. First and foremost, we need to update our configuration files to reference Azure Artifacts. For .NET, that would mean our new get config file, in npm, it refers to our npm RC. Now, if for any reason should a package go offline, it's cached and still…
