From the course: AWS Machine Learning: Building an Expense Tracker Using Amazon Textract

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Using S3 uploads to trigger a Lambda function

Using S3 uploads to trigger a Lambda function

So before we add any code that's specific to Tech Stacks, let's go ahead and make sure that what we're trying to do actually works, and I'm referring to the S3 trigger, okay? So here we are, back in the cloud shell, I'll type LS, and as you can see I have a file here called 02_01_receipt.PNG. I can tell right away that the png is upper case, which isn't great for what we're trying to do here. So be sure to rename that as we move forward. So what I'll do is I'll do AWS, S3, copy, the file name that we're talking about. 02_01_receipt.PNG. And I'm going to send it to S3, to our bucket, which is expense tracker course. And then remember receipts. Now I'll give it a name. I'll just call it 02_01. And remember I'll use .png, lowercase because this-this is the condition of our trigger. I'll hit enter, and that sends the file to the S3 bucket. So just by doing this, it should trigger a Lambda function. Let's go check out…
