From the course: AWS for Developers: CLI Tips

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Basic commands and syntax

Basic commands and syntax

- [Instructor] Let's cover the basics of AWS CLI commands and syntax. Understanding these fundamentals is crucial as we'll be using them throughout the course. By the end of this video, you'll have a solid grasp of how to structure AWS CLI commands effectively. AWS CLI commands follow a specific syntax that contains of a command name, options and arguments. Let's break it down. An AWS CLI command typically follows this structure: Aws, space, service, space, operation. The aws keyword signifies the start of a command followed by the AWS service you want to interact with. And finally, the specific operation you wish to perform on that service. Options and arguments provide additional information to AWS CLI commands. Options modify the behavior of the command, while arguments specify the resources or values the command should operate on. Options are typically proceeded by dash, dash, while arguments are specified without any…
