From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2019 Essential Training

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T-Splines introduction

T-Splines introduction

- [Instructor] We're now to a point in the course where we're going to talk about one of the more exciting features in Inventor. It's a fairly new feature called T-Splines that allows you to create geometry that acts as if it's digital clay. Once you start creating more complex shapes like a more complex ergonomic mouse or a coffee maker or a saw sal or a drill or something along those lines you're starting to get into product design. And in that environment this ability to use digital clay within a mechanical environment is incredibly powerful. The best way for you to understand is for me to show you what we can do. I'm not going to create anything fancy we'll start to create something as we move through this course. But I wanted to show you what this digital clay is capable of. I've created a basic T-Spline body here and I'm going to leave all the default settings except I'm going to turn on some symmetry. And what that allows me to do is begin manipulating this by editing the form…
