From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2019 Essential Training

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Offsetting sketch geometry

Offsetting sketch geometry

- (Narrator) We can now explore how to modify geometry using the offset command. We're going to start with a blank part. I have one open on the screen. And then we need to create a new sketch. I'm going to right click and select new sketch. I'm going to select the xy plane, Then I'm going to pan down to the left to give us some room to work. Next let's go ahead and create a rectangle. We can right click and select two point rectangle from the marking menu. Hover over the center point of the sketch, left click to start the rectangle, and then just drag a rectangle out on the screen. The overall size of the rectangle doesn't matter, so we are going to leave the dimensions off for now. We can right click and select okay to get out of the command we now know have our rectangle, which we can use to offset geometry. The offset command can be found in the sketch tab under the modify panel here on the bottom right. The offset command is quite handy, in the sense that by default the loop…
