From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2019 Essential Training

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Create splines

Create splines

- We're now ready to begin exploring the spline command. What we'll do, is we'll take the steps we used in the previous movie, when we learned about rectangles and arcs, and rather than using arcs to create the shapes on the mouse, we'll replace those with splines. Splines are significantly more advanced than arcs in the sense that rather than three points, you can use a large number of points to define an overall shape of the line. What I've done, to speed the process a little, is I've created a starting point cube so that we don't have to create that again. If you want to learn how we got to this point, you should review the rectangle and arcs movie. To begin, we're going to select the face on the side of the model, and use the heads up display to create a sketch. The button on the right is the create sketch button. Once we do that, we're in a sketch again, and we can pan over so that we can see the model clearly. And we're ready to begin. Now, a spline is just a type of line. So…
