From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2019 Essential Training

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Contact sets

Contact sets

- [Narrator] We're now to a point where we can look at contact sets. We know how to create constraints. We even know how to create motion with those constraints. But we haven't seen how parts can interact with one another, and that's what contact sets do. On the screen I have sliders.iam, which is a series of parts that I have constrained in a position where they can slide next to each other. If we left click and drag on the one on the bottom it moves. If we left click and drag on the one in the middle, it moves, but the one on the top is grounded. And as I move these, you'll notice, while they slide in the appropriate fashion, they don't interact with each other. The part I'm sliding can drift right through the solid part above it. I also have a complete version of this assembly that has contact sets enabled. And here, if we left click and drag on the part, they actually connect with each other, and cause each other to expand and collapse depending on where they are in their motion…
