From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2019 Essential Training
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Complex shapes with the Loft tool - Inventor Tutorial
From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2019 Essential Training
Complex shapes with the Loft tool
- [Instructor] We're now ready to look at one of the more powerful part modeling features, and that's the loft command. On the screen, you can see a bottle I've created, and we're going to recreate that using the loft command, and at this point we're also going to include a lot of the other things we've learned up to this point in the course, such as creating different sketches and work features. To begin, we're going to need a new part file. I have one opened down at the bottom of the screen. If you don't have one, go ahead and start a new part file, and we'll begin by creating a new sketch. We'll right click and select new sketch, and we'll select the x, z plane to sketch on. To being, we're going to need to create an elliptical shape to make the base of the bottle. To do that, we can go to the sketch tab under the create panel, and select the arrow underneath circle, which will expose the other options, one of which is ellipse, here at the bottom. We'll go ahead and left click on…
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Part feature introduction6m 11s
Create a base extrusion feature10m 30s
Create an extrusion to next face5m 35s
Extrude enhancements2m 40s
Create revolves10m 11s
Complex shapes with the Loft tool8m 48s
Add control to a loft by creating rails9m
Create a sweep feature5m 28s
Create a sweep feature with model edges2m 28s