From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2019 Essential Training
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Adding linear holes - Inventor Tutorial
From the course: Autodesk Inventor 2019 Essential Training
Adding linear holes
- [Narrator] Now that we've placed the through hole into the boss, it's time we add some counter board holes to this platform. We're going to go ahead and right click and select hole from the marking menu to launch the whole command. And you'll notice the dropdown at the top has last use selected. So everything is configured for this last hole we placed. I'm going to go ahead and left click to position a few different holes on this platform. And you don't have to get the position right. We'll adjust that in a moment. What you'll notice, because its the previous setting, this is an awfully large hole. So just for convenience, I'm going to shrink this to 0.25 just so we can see things a little more clearly. Now what's important here is that the last hole I placed has the orange dot on it. That means that this is the active hole. By selecting any of the other center points, you can make those the active holes. The reason you would do this is once you have a hole selected and is active…
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