From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Using Hide and Isolate to draw effectively

Using Hide and Isolate to draw effectively - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Using Hide and Isolate to draw effectively

- [Instructor] So here's another AutoCAD tip and trick from And we're going to look at the hide and isolate commands that are available to us in AutoCAD itself. So we've got a nice new drawing for you. You can see the name of that at the top of the screen. And, as usual, you can download that from your exercise files to follow along with the video. So, hide and isolate, how do they work? Well, they're really, really useful on a really busy drawing, 'cause they allow you to hide objects that you don't want to see, they allow you to isolate objects that you want to work on. Now, you'll notice that we've got a really, really simple drawing again. I like to use simple drawings for these tips and tricks so that you guys can see and understand the technique that you can then apply to a really busy drawing. So, let's look at the hide side of this particular video first. I want to hide objects that I…
