From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Blocks: Using DesignCenter and palettes for blocks in AutoCAD

Blocks: Using DesignCenter and palettes for blocks in AutoCAD - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Blocks: Using DesignCenter and palettes for blocks in AutoCAD

- [Instructor] Welcome to another tip and trick for AutoCAD and we're going to do a little bit of blocks now. We're going to work with AutoCAD blocks and it's a bit of a blocks sort of 101 type tip and trick where I'm just going to show you some neat stuff that you can do with blocks in AutoCAD. Now, we got a drawing for you to use. It's actually a blank drawing. It's called Blocks101.dwg. You know the drill. Download it from the library and use it to follow along with the video. Once you've loaded up the drawing, just make sure that you're using the Furniture layer as your current drafting layer. The reason being, when we bring the blocks in, they then go onto the current drafting layer and they highlight in a nice red orange kind of color rather than just white on layer zero. Just makes for a better visual experience in my eyes. So we're going to use that Furniture layer just to make sure that the furniture is on its own…
