From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Blocks palette: Working with blocks from other drawings

Blocks palette: Working with blocks from other drawings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Blocks palette: Working with blocks from other drawings

- [Instructor] We're starting another AutoCAD tip and trick now and it's part three of three about the blocks palette in AutoCAD 2020. Now we've got a new drawing for you and you'll recognize it if you've been following this series because it's similar to the other two drawings that we've used in the other two videos in the series. So this is hotel room three.dwg. Download it from the library to follow along with the video. While you're there, you also want to download hotel room blocks which should be in the same folder as hotel room three. Download them both and put them in the same folder when you download them. Then your hotel room blocks can be used as well for this particular video, the third part of three. So, we're going to go back to our insert tab on the ribbon. Just make sure in the home tab, though, in the layers panel, you're using the A furniture layer just to be consistent. And then insert tab, like I said, and…
