From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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Annotation: Working with associative dimensions in your AutoCAD drawings

Annotation: Working with associative dimensions in your AutoCAD drawings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

Annotation: Working with associative dimensions in your AutoCAD drawings

- [Instructor] Welcome to another tip and trick for AutoCAD. We're going to be looking today at annotation in AutoCAD, and more importantly, your associative dimensions and how they work with the geometry in your AutoCAD designs. Now, we've got a drawing for you. It's called "198_Annotation-Assoc Dimns". You can see the name of it at the top of the screen there. So download that from the library, and then you can follow along with this tips and tricks video. Now, you'll see that we've got some simple dimensions and it looks like a simple floor plan kind of idea going on there in the drawing design itself. And what we're going to look at, is how the dimensions behave when they are associative. Now, normally by default, your DIMASSOC variable, that I've just typed there on the dynamic input, should be set to two. And it's important that that value is set to two because it means that any dimensions that you place are…
