From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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289 Annotate: Working with multileaders, and their associated styles and settings

289 Annotate: Working with multileaders, and their associated styles and settings - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

289 Annotate: Working with multileaders, and their associated styles and settings

- [Instructor] In this particular AutoCAD tip and trick, we're going to take a look at multileaders in AutoCAD. So we've got a new drawing for you. It's called 289-Multileaders.dwg and as usual, you can download it from the library to follow along with the tips and tricks video. Now, in this particular drawing when you open it up, you're in the model tab and you should be able to see three circles. So we've got these three circles. They're all on the objects layer, like so. And I'm going to use the center snap of the circles to place various multileaders in the drawing. So you should be on your multileaders layer, like so. There's multileaders there, select that as your current drafting layer. We're then going to jump to the annotate tab in the ribbon and you can see the leaders panel here. Now, I just want to take you quickly through the preset multileader style. So I click on the little arrow there in the title bar of…
