From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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273 Design reuse: Setting up your Blocks palette to use your block libraries (AutoCAD 2022)

273 Design reuse: Setting up your Blocks palette to use your block libraries (AutoCAD 2022) - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

273 Design reuse: Setting up your Blocks palette to use your block libraries (AutoCAD 2022)

- [Instructor] Welcome to another tip and trick for AutoCAD. We have a new drawing for you to use with this particular tip and trick. It's called 273_DESIGN_REUSE_New Project.dwg, and as you can see, when you open up the drawing, it is a completely new project. It's an empty drawing. But you also noticed that I've got the blocks pallet open, like so. I'm going to close it and I'm going to show you how to get to it first. So we go to the insert tab on the ribbon, into the block panel, click on the flyout arrow for insert, and just click on recent blocks, and that will open up your blocks pallette. So you've got your drawing downloaded from the library, you've got it open, and you've just opened up your blocks palette as well. Now don't forget, it's a palette, so when you close AutoCAD, if you leave the pallette open, it'll stay open the next time when you open up your drawings as well. Now, what I want to talk about is kind…
