From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

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266 3D Modeling: Working with section tools and your 3D model

266 3D Modeling: Working with section tools and your 3D model - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Tips & Tricks

266 3D Modeling: Working with section tools and your 3D model

- [Instructor] Welcome to another tip and trick for AutoCAD. We're going to be taking a look at how we can utilize section tools when we're 3D modeling in AutoCAD for this particular tip and trick. So download the drawing you can see in the title bar in AutoCAD, it's 266 3D modeling section tools dot DWG. You can download it from the library to follow along with this particular tips and tricks video. Now it's a little 3D house that we're going to be working on and it's in the model tab of the drawing. And the one thing we do need to do is make sure that we're in the correct AutoCAD workspace. Now there's a little trick here for you. Pop up to your quick access toolbar and click on this little icon here. It looks a bit like an eject symbol for a DVD stroke Blu-ray player, but it allows you to customize your quick access toolbar. I can set workspace as one of the settings on the quick access toolbar. So at the moment, you can…
