From the course: AutoCAD: Electrical Toolset

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Managing project paths and file paths in AutoCAD Electrical

Managing project paths and file paths in AutoCAD Electrical - AutoCAD Electrical Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Electrical Toolset

Managing project paths and file paths in AutoCAD Electrical

- (instructor) As you can see we're still in AutoCAD Electrical, and we've got the demo 10.DWG file open that were created previously. I mentioned file paths and how it's really important that you keep an eye on those file paths when you're working with new projects and new drawings. And also more importantly existing projects and adding new drawings to those projects. So there's the demo 10 file, and that's our current file at the moment. If I just hover over the file tab, can you see there it shows me the location and you can see it's in the demo folder as demo 10.DWG. So you're making sure that this particular new drawing is saved in that known location it's got the right file path to work with the WD demo project. And you know that because the location here of the project the WDP file is here as well, it's in that demo folder. Now your demo folder and your WD demo. WDP file might be in a different location to mine.…
