From the course: AutoCAD Electrical: Implementing PLCs

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Edit the full-unit PLC attributes

Edit the full-unit PLC attributes

- [Instructor] Editing the attributes of a full unit's PLC module is remarkably similar to editing the information in a parametric PLC module. So you can see we're in demo10.dwg. We've got our full unit's PLC module placed in the drawing. I'm going to zoom into to the top of it where it says Power On, Power Off so I can see the information. So you can see there that it's an Automation-Direct F1-130AA, that's the manufacturer. And you can see, some of the input output points X0 and X1, have some descriptions as well. Now I want to edit that information. So what I do is I hover over it, right-click, the menu comes up, I click on Edit Component. Now you'll notice that XO there is, or X0 I should say, is Power On, and X1 is Power Off. So that information's already in there. But what I can do is I can edit information in here very quickly and very easily if I want to. So X2 might be say Switch 1, like so. X3 might be Switch 2. Should have really numbered them a bit better, as in Switch 3…
