From the course: AutoCAD: Developing CAD Standards
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Using the Publish command (batch plotting) - AutoCAD for Mac Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD: Developing CAD Standards
Using the Publish command (batch plotting)
- [Instructor] As usual, we're staying in our 09_AutoCADdrawing.dwg file. In the previous video, we did the check with the DWS file, and what we also checked against was the page setup to make sure that everything was setup accordingly, so that when we do print and publish, it's obviously printing what we want, rather than erroneous printing that might not be showing the right information. So what we're going to look at first is publishing our drawing. Now when you publish in AutoCAD, you would normally have a lot more layout tabs. We've only got the one, but that doesn't matter, it still works. So we're going to go up to the Output tab on the ribbon, like so, and you can see the Batch Plot command there in the Plot panel. That's the one that we want. If we go to Batch Plot like that, you can see there's all our settings there ready to batch plot a number of layouts, and you can also batch plot the model tab as well if you want to. Now I'm going to cancel that one second, purely…
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