From the course: AutoCAD: Developing CAD Standards
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United States National CAD Standard (US NCS) - AutoCAD for Mac Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD: Developing CAD Standards
United States National CAD Standard (US NCS)
- [Instructor] We're starting another chapter now, and what we're going to do is look at some of the world wide CAD standards available to us. Just before we start going into AutoCAD and setting up things like our DWS files and associating them with our DWG files and so on. The reason I'm doing that is obviously all of you that are learning from this particular course, and are in this particular chapter will be from different areas around the world. What I'm going to concentrate on is the USA and the UK initially, but there are many, many other CAD standards out there. So investigate your national CAD standard, investigate perhaps one of your industry CAD standards, depending on what country you live in, because they may be localized to what you do and what you work on. Now, one of the things you can do is go onto the AutoDesk Knowledge Network, the AKN as it's called, and you can type in in the search box up here, you can type in CAD standards, and what will happen is one of the…
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