From the course: AutoCAD: Developing CAD Standards

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Setting up a standard dimension style

Setting up a standard dimension style - AutoCAD for Mac Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD: Developing CAD Standards

Setting up a standard dimension style

- [Instructor] Once again we're staying in our 05_StandardMetricTemplate drawing that we're working on that we've developed over the last few videos. So, in the last video we looked at textiles which are obviously one of the plugins that gets used in the AutoCAD standards files, the DWS files. What we're going to look at now is setting up a standard dimension style, again one of the ones that gets checked when you convert the DWG into a DWS file. So, I'm going to jump up to my annotate tab on the ribbon here now and we're still in the drawing, the StandardMetricTemplate drawing and as you can see it's blank right now, don't worry about that because what we're doing is we're setting everything up, we're not actually designing, what we're doing is we're setting up our standards so that our designs meet those standards, that's the whole idea. So, in the dimensions panel on the annotate tab on the ribbon, click on the little arrow here like so. Now, you'll notice that I'm in the…
