From the course: AutoCAD: Developing CAD Standards

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Running a standards audit

Running a standards audit

- [Instructor] In the previous video, we set up our 04_drawingstandardsfile.dws file, the AutoCAD drawing standards file that we're going to use to check against this, our 04_drawingstandardsfile.dwg file. So basically what we're doing is we're using our DWS file that we created previously and saved in the same folder as our DWG file, and what we're going to do, we're going to check against that when we make changes in the AutoCAD drawing, the DWG, and I can't stress that enough. Don't muddle up your DWS with your DWG file. You use the DWS to check against the DWG file to make sure that the drawing file, the DWG, is adhering to the CAD standard you have created. Okay, so we're in the DWG right now. What we need to do is associate our DWS file. So we go up to the manage tab on the ribbon and we go into the CAD standards panel and click on configure. Now you'll notice I've already linked that 04_drawingstandardsfile.dws. The trick is though, you can obviously remove it if you want to…
