From the course: AutoCAD: Developing CAD Standards

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Publishing out to a DWF file

Publishing out to a DWF file

- [Narrator] Once again, we're staying in our own line _AutoCADdrawing.dwg file that has been checked against the associated DWS file. Now, in the output tab, we looked at, in the previous video, exporting out to a PDF file. Let's have a look now at exporting out to a DWF file. Again, it's the same panel here in the output tab on the ribbon. Click on the flyout here. I'm just going to go for a regular DWF. There is also DWFx which is an XML enabled DWF. You will notice when you use things like Microsoft Word now, it's a Docx file that you save to. It's just XML enabled, just so that you know. I'm going to go for a regular DWF. And again, you'll see the dial-up box looks remarkably similar to obviously the PDF one. So you can see here that I can set up the options for my DWF and there's all my options there so I can include block information and general DWF options there might be the location and I can also obviously give it a file name and so on. I'll cancel that for the moment. We…
