From the course: AutoCAD: Developing CAD Standards
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Dimensioning to standardized settings - AutoCAD for Mac Tutorial
From the course: AutoCAD: Developing CAD Standards
Dimensioning to standardized settings
- [Instructor] Once again, we're staying in our 07_AutoCADDrawing.dwg file, the one that we created from our DWT template at the beginning of the chapter. Now, in the last video, we added some annotation. We added our Rectangle text and our Circle text. And we created that new labels model 25 text style by recalibrating some of our standard settings. Now, what we're going to look at in this particular video is dimensioning. We're going to add some dimensions using the standard dimension style that was created when we saved out our template in the previous chapter. So, a quick layer change is needed. So Home tab on the ribbon, Layers panel, Layer dropdown, and we want Dimensions as our current drafting layer. So that's another one of our standard layers that we've created that was in the template that we're now using in our dwg file. Now, we're just going to dimension really quickly just some quick linear dimensions. So make sure that your object snaps are on, especially the endpoint…
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