From the course: AutoCAD: Developing CAD Standards

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Checking standards violations

Checking standards violations

- [Instructor] Now, obviously what we've done in the last few videos is set up our CAD standards file. We've configured it. It's all ready to go. And we can now do a CAD standards audit just using the Check command in the CAD Standards panel on the Manage tab on the AutoCAD ribbon. So we're still in our 08_AutoCADDrawing.dwg file. Now, what we're going to do is somewhat repetitive. We've already done it previously in previous chapters. But as I said, we're doing this with a drawing that we've created. So we've created this drawing from scratch, and we've gone through the workflow and the process as if we were generating new drawings on a project that we're working on. So I'm going to go back to the Home tab now on the ribbon, and I'm going to go into the Layer Properties. Now, obviously we've got all of our standard layers in here. And what I'm going to do is click on New Layer. As soon as we create a new layer, AutoCAD's going, "Hang on a minute. "That new layer does not conform to…
