From the course: AutoCAD: Developing CAD Standards

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AEC (UK) CAD and BIM Standards

AEC (UK) CAD and BIM Standards

- [Instructor] Once again, we're on the internet and I'm in my Google Chrome browser and we're on the AEC (UK) webpage. You can see the URL at the top of the screen there, it's, or just go to Google and type in AECUK, all one word, press enter, and you'll see that it comes up at the top of the Google search. Now, AEC (UK) is a CAD and BIM standards site. If you're not aware of BIM, BIM stands for building information modeling, and it tends to be related to Autodesk products such as Revit, Navisworks, and so on. Now, what we're going to just have a quick look at is the AEC (UK) CAD standard. Now, the whole idea of this WordPress page is it gives you all of the information that is current in the AEC (UK) standard. So, you'll notice that we have a Committee here, like so, and when I click there, you can see that we've got the name of the committee members that are based in the UK. Some of them work for some very well-known companies, such as BDP, HOK, Mott MacDonald…
