From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Removing background noise (advanced)

Removing background noise (advanced) - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Removing background noise (advanced)

Let's look at a more advanced technique for removing background noise with the Noise Reduction Process Effect. This effect is great for getting rid of things like hiss, electrical hum, computer fans, or any background noise that isn't very dynamic and stays the same throughout. In this file, I have open the problem we have is a very common one. The air conditioning in the background. Let's have a listen. (air conditioner hum) - One of the things we also do is we're asking executives to make a commitment. - So if you're looking at the wave form graph as I am at the moment. It's hard to visually identify the noise. But if we switch over to the Spectral Frequency display , by just clicking this button at the top here, we can very easily identify that this is the area where our subject is speaking and this is the noise we want to get rid of. Now, luckily I have just this brief moment of the noise by itself here, which I'm just going to select by dragging across with the Time Selection…
