From the course: Arianna Huffington's Thrive 01: Discovering Meditation and Sleep

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Guided meditation: Self-appreciation

Guided meditation: Self-appreciation

- [Narrator] So just take a few moments to find a comfortable, quiet place and settle in. (relaxing music) Close your eyes and start attuning to the rising and the falling of your breath. And as you receive your breath, experience a deeper relaxation. And as you exhale, just for the moment let go of any anxieties, any tensions, anything that's making you more tense in the day. This is just a few moments for you. And as you quieten your breath and slow down think back on the day that you started and emerged to take this course, when you made the decision to really embark on this journey to take care of yourself, to enhance your wellbeing, to start practicing new ways so you can you do your life in an easier, less stressful, and more grace filled way. And take a moment and tell yourself thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this. And send away from your heart to all these steps, to all these decisions, to all these choices you have start making, knowing and affirming that every day…
