From the course: Apache Kafka Essential Training: Building Scalable Applications

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- [Instructor] One of the requirements for enterprise data processing is ensuring security of data both at rest and in motion. Let's review various security options available in Kafka in this video. Kafka provides client authentication using SSL/SASL. This applies to producers, consumers, and other brokers. Kafka provides read/write authentication control by individual topics and consumer groups. Data in flight can be encrypted using SSL. For at-rest encryption, Kafka does not provide an out-of-the-box solution. It is recommended to use encrypted discs for storage of log files. Kafka's security features are basic, as it is expected to be used as a messaging system within a trusted network where the producers and consumers are all also in the same trusted domain. It is not recommended to publicly expose Kafka through the internet without an API wrapper layer. Similarly, multi-tenancy is hard to implement in Kafka, as SSL…
