From the course: Apache Kafka Essential Training: Building Scalable Applications

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Kafka applications use case: Problem definition

Kafka applications use case: Problem definition - Kafka Tutorial

From the course: Apache Kafka Essential Training: Building Scalable Applications

Kafka applications use case: Problem definition

- [Instructor] We have learned a number of concepts and techniques for building scalability and resiliency with Kafka in this course. Now you can exercise some of these learnings in solving a use case problem. In this video, let's discuss the use case exercises. The first exercise for you is to create a topic called Kafka.usecase.students. The topic should have three partitions and a replication factor of two. You can choose to create it either in the command line or through the kafdrop UI. The second exercise is to create a Java producer for the Kafka.usecase.students topic. When creating the producer, use a batch size of 32K and set acknowledgement to all replicas. Use asynchronous publishing with callback to publish the messages. The final exercise is to create a Java consumer for the Kafka.usecase.students topic When creating the consumer set the following parameters: Set fetch max bytes to 20 and fetch max wait…
