From the course: Agile Testing

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Solution: Testing estimations

Solution: Testing estimations

From the course: Agile Testing

Solution: Testing estimations

- Welcome back from the challenge. Let's take a moment to review a tester's role in backlog grooming, sprint planning, and story kickoff meetings, as well as how much information the tester can gather from each meeting to test tickets. First, backlog grooming. Because this meeting is created to cover the general idea of ticket criteria, information is discussed at a high level. Lacking solid details, a tester would have just enough information to create a loose test plan. The tester may ask questions to better understand clients, platforms, devices, and anything else the ticket scope is covering. This information is then used to create a general testing approach. I call this person forager. The next meeting is sprint planning. Sprint planning dives into the details quite a bit. Completed acceptance criteria matched with the test plan, including testing methods, is a plausible outcome. Testers will ask detailed…
