From the course: Agile Software Development

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Agile to the rescue

Agile to the rescue

- When developing software, change is unavoidable. Requirements change for a variety of reasons. The technology used to build the software becomes obsolete. Companies merge or are acquired. The competitive landscape shifts, or team members leave. Just to name a few common scenarios. In other words, change is the only certainty. This makes software development risky, and creates a strong need for unplanned adjustments, customer feedback, and continuous improvement. To manage these challenges, the software developer must be creative and knowledgeable. They cannot rely entirely on detailed predictive planning, checklists, and control processes created by someone else. Software development is an empirical process, which relies on facts and real experiences. Software developers use empiricism to continuously change and improve their plans. Software is built iteratively and in small increments. Each step involves requirements capture, refinement, software analysis and design, building code,…
