From the course: Agile at Work: Planning with Agile User Stories
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Ready to implement state
From the course: Agile at Work: Planning with Agile User Stories
Ready to implement state
- Over the project's timeline, most identified stories will become highly prioritized and ordered towards the top of the backlog. Once a story is high in priority and a candidate to pull into the next iteration or two, it needs to be in the state ready to implement. For the story to be in this state, the team must invest time to discuss it, and acceptance criteria must be written. Stories that meet a team's definition of ready are ready to be implemented. This helps ensure that the team has a high level of confidence and probability that if they pull a story into the workflow, they understand what is needed. The product owner constantly refines the backlog, and the team collaborates towards the end of each iteration to ensure readiness to move into the next iteration. This workflow is perpetual for the remainder of the project.
Ready to implement1m 56s
Identified state1m 15s
Sized state1m 5s
Relative sizing techniques3m 34s
Team estimation5m 37s
Size with points vs. estimate with hours2m 13s
Understand velocity3m 10s
Prioritized state52s
Input to backlog prioritization and planning3m 25s
Ready to implement state1m
Acceptance criteria4m 38s
Story quality and the definition of ready4m 39s