From the course: Agile at Work: Planning with Agile User Stories

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Kanban boards integration at the planning level

Kanban boards integration at the planning level

From the course: Agile at Work: Planning with Agile User Stories

Kanban boards integration at the planning level

- Now that you understand the power of visualizing work using a Kanban board, let me show you a few examples of boards at different levels of information. Teams can create boards that visualize the flow of work for their project scope of work. So far, we've looked at an iteration-level Kanban board. You can create boards for the higher-level requirements, such as features, as well as the entire project scope. Feature-level Kanban boards show the work in progress of all the user and technical stories required to meet the minimum sufficient functionality of a feature. This type of board provides excellent insight into the work that needs to be done, the amount that has met the definition of done, and the remaining work. Here, you can see an example feature-level Kanban board. This feature has many stories needed to provide value to a customer, including our example story. The basic three states, to-do, in-process, and done, are typically sufficient at this requirement level. Each story…
