From the course: Advanced Python Projects: Build AI Applications

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Setting up MongoDB

Setting up MongoDB

- [Narrator] In this project, we're going to create an AI application where you can upload any document or PDF, and it will have the ability to answer any questions related to that document. Think of it like ChatGPT that has knowledge about your document. So let's begin. First, let's install the necessary Python packages. For this type pip install -r. And over here in this file, which is labeled as Requirements.txt, we have the list of all packages that needs to be installed and are going to be used in our program. So what we're going to do is we're going to copy the path of this file and we're going to paste it here and run that. Now that the packages have been installed, let's get to the next step. We're going to hide the Explorer. First, we need to install several Python modules to set up the environment for working with pydantic, MongoDB, and handling errors, through traceback. So here we're importing pydantic for…
