From the course: Advanced Python Projects: Build AI Applications

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File uploads and advanced API interactions

File uploads and advanced API interactions - Python Tutorial

From the course: Advanced Python Projects: Build AI Applications

File uploads and advanced API interactions

- [Instructor] Now let's define a function called upload_file to upload a file to a specific API endpoint using the request module for making HTTP requests. So over here we're defining a function named upload_file that takes one parameter, file_path, representing the path of the file to be uploaded. And after that, we print the file path for debugging purposes. Next, we extract the file name from the file path by splitting it using the back slash as a separator and taking the last part. Then we define the API endpoint for file upload by appending /uploadFile to the BACKEND_URL. Also print the constructed URL for debugging. Next we're going to prepare the payload and files for the file upload request. In this case, an empty payload is issued and a tuple is created with the file data. So the tuple includes the field name data_file, a tuple containing the file name, file object, and the content type. Next we define headers…
