From the course: Adobe Captivate Essential Training

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Add animation

Add animation

- [Instructor] Another way to keep your learner's attention and add some visual interest to the slides in your Captivate project is to use animations. You don't want to overuse them, but using them here and there can keep things interesting. That's what we're going to explore in this movie with our Red 30 Speak at Your Peak project, R30SAYP0305 if you need to get caught up. The last thing we did was change up our character here, while we can also add some animation. So let's select the character. You'll see the blue border around the outside, and now we'll go over to the right hand side of our screen and click the animations button. We'll scroll up to the top of the panel 'cause you can see we can animate how this object, which happens to be our character, enters the slide, does anything on the slide that would emphasize this object, or how this character might exit the slide? We're going to focus on an entrance. You can see by default none is selected. That is the default for all…
