From the course: Adobe Captivate Essential Training

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Add a certificate to a quiz

Add a certificate to a quiz

- [Instructor] Most people enjoy being recognized for their achievements. The same can be said for completing or passing a quiz here in a Captivate project, so you might consider adding something like a certificate to your project. That's what we're going to do in this movie with our Red 30 Speak at your Peak project, R30sayp0506. We left off having added our questions. Our short answer was the last one. We have our results slide down the left here. If we select it, it's currently our last slide. But now we're going to add another one to the end, which is the certificate. We do that by going up to the New Slide button. Click there. And the certificate is actually not a template, it's a widget. So we start with a blank slide. Select Blank. Now go down to the button for adding new widgets. Click there. And this is where you'll find Certificate down in the bottom left hand corner. Go ahead and click there. It's going to insert the default widget, the default certificate, which as you can…
