From the course: Accounting Foundations: Understanding the GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

Intro to this course

- If you're anything like me, you're so busy doing that you don't take the time to really reflect on why you're doing what you're doing. It's a natural consequence of having to get things done. So I really wanted to create a course, this course, that would cause us all to slow down and reflect on the rules, principles and reasoning behind the creation of financial statements, to answer those why questions that we don't often know to ask. For example, why does the income statement show the amount of net income that it shows? Or, why does the balance sheet show equipment purchased 15 years ago at the dollar amount it currently shows? Or, why does the statement of cash flows exist? Hi, I'm Denise Probert. I'm a CPA exam coach, a leadership consultant, and an accounting professor and sharer of my learners' dreams. For just a short bit, I challenge you to put aside all your worries, thoughts and other tasks, and join me for this LinkedIn learning course to understand the why of US Gap. Get ready to have some fun.
