From the course: Academic Research Foundations: Quantitative
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Research frameworks and hypotheses - SPSS Statistics Tutorial
From the course: Academic Research Foundations: Quantitative
Research frameworks and hypotheses
- A theoretical framework provides a theory to explain the problem your research seeks to address. Along with a literature review, this makes up your evidence for the need of your research and its space in your field. Theory is not merely personal assumptions, but the relationship of previous research, key thinkers, and social contexts. Looking at our example, I have a feeling that poverty has negative effects on a student's education and that those negative effects can be wide and varied. I want to get to a point where I can create a hypothesis, or an educated statement on the expectations of the research from this information. Before I can do this, I'm going to need a theoretical framework for my claims as I approach this research problem. Your research is made up of variables and you're going to hypothesize that the relationship between these variables is significant. The theoretical framework sets up the historical relationship of the variables and emphasizes why your research…
Independent and dependent variables3m 25s
Elements of a research question3m 26s
How to write a research question2m 39s
Create research objectives3m 13s
Research frameworks and hypotheses3m 22s
Understand the null hypothesis2m 42s
Deductive and inductive reasoning3m 34s
Purpose of a literature review2m 45s
How to develop a literature review2m 52s
Anonymity and confidentiality in research studies4m
Objectivity and subjectivity in your study3m 21s