From the course: 5 Common Test Failures

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Decision making

Decision making

- [Instructor] You can go on the internet and spend an entire afternoon watching fail videos where people make inherently bad decisions. While these can be hilarious in the context of a 30-second clip, bad decisions can have really serious consequences for a quality team and can have a lasting impact. Laughing at the misfortune of others isn't as funny when it's you who is failing. Bad decisions in quality aren't just about bad choices. They are inherently rooted in your perspective and the relationships you build within your organization. Let's be blunt, quality isn't always the most well liked. Can you blame people? It's literally our job to deliver bad news. However, just because you carry the burden of sharing product problems, it doesn't mean you have to be a problem. Good quality professionals keep their communication focused on factual data. They don't let opinions or emotions get in the way of the results. Stop…
