Oleg Nenashev

Oleg Nenashev

Neuenburg, Neuenburg, Schweiz
3173 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


Oleg is a passionate open source and open hardware advocate who believes in open…



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  • Gradle Inc. Grafik

    Gradle Inc.

    Neuchâtel, Switzerland

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    Neuchâtel, Switzerland

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    Neuchâtel, Switzerland

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    Neuchâtel, Switzerland

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    Neuchâtel, Switzerland

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    Neuchâtel, Switzerland

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    St Petersburg, Russia

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    St Petersburg, Russia

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    St Petersburg, Russia

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    St Petersburg, Russia

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    St Petersburg, Russia

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    St Petersburg, Russia


  • Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого Grafik

    Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University

    Research in areas of automated hardware testing, reengineering, and fault tolerant memory.
    - Development of extendable toolkit that supports programmable analysis and transformation of HDL-based hardware descriptions (Java + Tcl)
    - Automated generation of test agents and BIST components
    - In-circuit execution of Tcl tests from simulation IDE
    - Lecturer: Hardware Description Languages, Hardware Verification

  • Thesis topic: “Models, methods and tools for the automated reengineering of Systems on Chip described by HDL specifications”

  • Thesis topic: “Integration of the industrial SCADA system for oil flow monitoring with corporate ERP systems”, the project is a part of my work at Neftemer Ltd

  • Thesis topic: “Developing a distributed wireless system for mixed-signal acquisition based on Cypress WirelessUSB systems on chip”

Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate


  • Google Summer of Code Grafik

    Mentor and Org Admin

    Google Summer of Code

    –Heute 9 Jahre


    I help to organize Google Summer of Code in Jenkins, FOSSi, Keptn and the Continuous Delivery Foundation. I mentored and advised 10 students over 6 years, and all projects have been successful.

  • API - Association des Professionnels de l'Informatique Grafik

    Co Organizer

    API - Association des Professionnels de l'Informatique

    –Heute 3 Jahre 4 Monate

    Science and Technology

    Helping to organize IT events in Neuchâtel and to manage social media

  • Free and Open Source Silicon (FOSSi) Foundation Grafik


    Free and Open Source Silicon (FOSSi) Foundation

    5 Jahre 6 Monate

    Science and Technology

    Helping with promoting open source hardware and managing continuous integration instances. Leader in the LibreCores CI project and Google Summer of Code mentor.

  • Future Russia - Switzerland Grafik

    Social Media and Content Manager

    Future Russia - Switzerland

    –Heute 2 Jahre 6 Monate

    Civil Rights and Social Action

    Recovered the social media accounts and started growing them. Main goal - find people who are ready to act to make difference in Russia


  • Russian

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • English


  • French

    Gute Kenntnisse

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