“Jen is a highly skilled coach, and I found my time with her to be incredibly valuable. What I appreciated most about working with her was the clarity I found and how she helped me translate that into concrete action items. Having worked with a number of other coaches in the past, I can say with confidence that Jen is a truly excellent coach.”
Jen Agnew Bertoline
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
500+ connections
As a passionate professional coach and advocate, I thrive on helping individuals unlock…
Here's how you can alleviate fears and concerns in your team during a layoff.
In my experience— there is a considerable amount of grief associated with being part of a layoff. As grief is a change you didn’t want to see. Recognizing this can be key. Validating an individual’s experience (using their language; asking them to define their language) can be incredibly helpful in uplifting confidence amidst a considerable transition in life. If funding is there to contract with an objective third party— a professional coach. This partnership opens up the opportunity for the employee to clear energy, thoughts and emotions they might have surrounding this shift. We all have different attitudes surrounding a layoff for some it may be an opportunity. Limit your assumptions, meet your employees where they are, seek help.
@LinkedIN when someone updates their status to “Open to Work,” it’s a moment where the platform could truly step up as a resource. LinkedIn already…
@LinkedIN when someone updates their status to “Open to Work,” it’s a moment where the platform could truly step up as a resource. LinkedIn already…
Liked by Jen Agnew Bertoline
Activities and Societies: Performed in productions such as: Othello, Much Ado About Nothing, Metamorphoses, Into the Woods and many others, as an actor. Publicity Crew Head for the play Rosmersholm. Promoted new student orientation in the department. Received The University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Most Outstanding Student in Theatre Award. Who’s Who Among American College Students (Spring 2005) Received an award for excellence in the College of Fine Arts for accomplishments in Theatre.
Licenses & Certifications
Excellence in Leadership Speaker Series
- Present
The Excellence in Leadership Speaker Series has evolved into one of Ball State University's noteworthy programs. Each semester we invite nationally recognized speakers to visit campus and share their perspectives with our students. Our guests have included sports figures like Billy Beane (the inspiration for the book and film Moneyball), politicans such as Reverend Jesse Jackson, Karl Rove, Governor Howard Dean and Meghan McCain, social entreprenuers like Blake Mycoskie (founder of Tom's…
The Excellence in Leadership Speaker Series has evolved into one of Ball State University's noteworthy programs. Each semester we invite nationally recognized speakers to visit campus and share their perspectives with our students. Our guests have included sports figures like Billy Beane (the inspiration for the book and film Moneyball), politicans such as Reverend Jesse Jackson, Karl Rove, Governor Howard Dean and Meghan McCain, social entreprenuers like Blake Mycoskie (founder of Tom's Shoes), and journalists such as Laura Ling.
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International Coaching Federation
- Present -
National Association of Student Affairs Professionals and Administrators (NASPA)
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