Havish Garimella

Havish Garimella

San Francisco Bay Area
3K followers 500+ connections


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  • Apple Graphic


    Cupertino, California, United States

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    Foster City, CA

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    Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin

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    Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin

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    Austin, Texas Area

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    Dallas/Fort Worth Area

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    Hyderabad Area, India


Licenses & Certifications


  • Accounting for Managers

    ACCT 6305

  • Advanced Business Intelligence

    MIS 6334

  • Business Data Warehousing

    MIS 6309

  • Data Communications

    MIS 6316

  • Data Management

    MIS 6326

  • High Performance Analytics

    MIS 6V99

  • Introduction to Business Intelligence Software andTechnology

    MIS 6324

  • Marketing Management

    MKT 6301

  • Object Oriented Programming

    MIS 6323

  • Quantitative Introduction to Risk and Uncertainty in Business


  • Systems Analysis and Project Management

    MIS 6308


  • Kaggle - Machine Learning from Titanic Disaster using R

    Packages used: dplyr, mice, randomForest, scales, ggthemes, ggplot2
    - Created clusters with title of each passenger like "Mr", "Miss", "Mrs" to check survival pattern within the clusters
    - Created family clusters among the passengers to understand if families swim or sink together
    - Developed mosaic plots of survival and family size
    - Sensitive imputation of missing data using mice
    - Built Random Forest classification model to predict the survival chance of the test data…

    Packages used: dplyr, mice, randomForest, scales, ggthemes, ggplot2
    - Created clusters with title of each passenger like "Mr", "Miss", "Mrs" to check survival pattern within the clusters
    - Created family clusters among the passengers to understand if families swim or sink together
    - Developed mosaic plots of survival and family size
    - Sensitive imputation of missing data using mice
    - Built Random Forest classification model to predict the survival chance of the test data set
    - Overall mis-classification rate was less than 20%, was able to predict deaths better than survivals

    See project
  • Qlik view - How People Die

    - Developed Qlik View scripts to develop ER models and Dimension models to meet business requirements
    - Built an application using QVD files and SQLLITE database on Qlik View
    - Provided findings and recommendations from data analysis and visualizations in Qlik View

  • Tableau - Dognition Data

    Segmented the users of Dognition website based on their usage level, performed analysis on Tableau and suggested alternatives to enhance user experience of Dognition website

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  • Baseball Data Set

    Performed regression analysis on various attributes on Baseball like Batting, Pitching, Teams, Salaries and Parks to predict the influence of Home wins in the driving the Home audience

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  • SAS - Predicting Delinquency

    Improve on the state of art in credit scoring, by predicting the probability that someone will experience financial distress in next two years.

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  • Marketing Plan to launch a Carpooling service - Loopcar


    Marketing plan to launch a Carpooling service in Dallas area.
    - Conducted Situational Environmental analysis to launch our product like Competitors, Social/Cultural trends and Economic factors.
    - Evaluated our product by conducting SWOT Analysis.
    - Worked on 4P's of Loopcar: where to launch our services, how to promote the product, pricing of our product.
    - Worked on Marketing needs of our Target market.
    - Made a financial projection for first year of our operations.

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  • Kaggle - Twitter US Airline Sentiment using R


    Packages used: tm, SnowballCC, RcolorBrewer, ggplot2, wordcloud, biclust
    - Implemented concepts of text mining like removing punctuation, removing numbers, converting text from upper case to lower, removing stop words, stemming
    - Constructed Document Term Matrix (DTM) and removed sparse terms and used Naïve Bayes Classifier for classification of tweets
    - Developed visualization of word frequencies using Wordcloud, ggplot2
    - Constructed a classification model in R, that compares…

    Packages used: tm, SnowballCC, RcolorBrewer, ggplot2, wordcloud, biclust
    - Implemented concepts of text mining like removing punctuation, removing numbers, converting text from upper case to lower, removing stop words, stemming
    - Constructed Document Term Matrix (DTM) and removed sparse terms and used Naïve Bayes Classifier for classification of tweets
    - Developed visualization of word frequencies using Wordcloud, ggplot2
    - Constructed a classification model in R, that compares texts in the tweets with customized word dictionaries of positive words and negative and assigns score for each match
    - Final score = Positive score - Negative Score
    - Final score > 0 Positive tweets, Final < 0 Negative Tweet, Final Score = Neutral Tweet

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  • Predictive Analysis of Customer Churn using SAS


    • Developed logistic regression model with 60% probability to predict whether customer will churn or not.
    • Analyzed 173 variables using hypothesis testing and refined 10 significant variables in predicting customer churn.

Honors & Awards

  • Lars Magnus Ericsson Fellowship

    Naveen Jindal School of Management

    Received the prestigious Lars Magnus Ericsson Fellowship from the University of Texas at Dallas, Naveen Jindal School of Management as a graduate student for commendable academic excellence at UT Dallas.

  • Third Position In IAS Hackathon

    Intelligence and Analytics Society, UT Dallas.

    Secured third position in the Hackathon conducted by IAS club. Performed data analysis on Predicting Delinquency and Baseball Data set.

  • Dean's Excellence Scholarship

    Naveen Jindal School of Management

    Received the prestigious Dean's Excellence Scholarship from the University of Texas at Dallas, Naveen Jindal School of Management as a new graduate student for academic excellence as evidenced by GRE and TOEFL score, and work experience.


  • English

    Professional working proficiency

  • Hindi

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • Telugu

    Native or bilingual proficiency


  • Toastmasters International

    Assistant Area Director-Area 64, Treasurer

    - Present

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