Dr. Gladys Ngetich

Dr. Gladys Ngetich

Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
8K followers 500+ connections


Rhodes Scholar and Schmidt Science Fellow. With a DPhil in Engineering Science…

Articles by Dr. Gladys

  • My Rhodes Scholarship Journey

    My Rhodes Scholarship Journey

    Suzy Kassem once said, ‘Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.’ Doubting my abilities almost barred me from…



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  • GN Inspire Graphic
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    Nairobi County, Kenya

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    Nairobi County, Kenya

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    San Francisco Bay Area

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    United States

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    Oxford, England, United Kingdom

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    Mombasa, Kenya


  • University of Oxford Graphic

    University of Oxford


    Activities and Societies: Oxford University AthleticsChch/Oriel Women Soccer

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    Activities and Societies: Class Representative Women Soccer Captain Women Athletics Captain

Licenses & Certifications

Volunteer Experience

  • Gladys Ngetich Foundation Graphic

    Founder & Director

    Gladys Ngetich Foundation

    - Present 3 years


    Gladys Ngetich Foundation aims to motivate, inspire, and empower students and young professionals, especially women and girls. The foundation helps students to unleash their full potential in school, career, and life. Read more here: https://www.geenfoundation.org

  • Volunteer

    Zero Robotics

    - 1 year


    Zero Robotics is a robotics programming competition where students will learn to program robots (previously called SPHERES - Synchronized Position Hold Engage and Reorient Experimental Satellites) inside the International Space Station. The competition starts online, on this website, where teams program the SPHERES to solve an annual challenge. After several phases of virtual competition in a simulation environment that mimics the real SPHERES, finalists are selected to compete in a live…

    Zero Robotics is a robotics programming competition where students will learn to program robots (previously called SPHERES - Synchronized Position Hold Engage and Reorient Experimental Satellites) inside the International Space Station. The competition starts online, on this website, where teams program the SPHERES to solve an annual challenge. After several phases of virtual competition in a simulation environment that mimics the real SPHERES, finalists are selected to compete in a live championship aboard the ISS. An astronaut will conduct the championship competition in microgravity with a live broadcast!

  • Scholarship Judge

    International Space University, ISU - SGAC

    - 5 months


    The International Space University, ISU is an institution founded on the vision of a peaceful, prosperous and boundless future through the study, exploration and development of space for the benefit of all humanity. It is a place where students and faculty from all backgrounds are welcomed; where diversity of culture, philosophy, lifestyle, training and opinion are honored and nurtured.

    Space Generation Advisory Council, SGAC The Space Generation Advisory Council support the United…

    The International Space University, ISU is an institution founded on the vision of a peaceful, prosperous and boundless future through the study, exploration and development of space for the benefit of all humanity. It is a place where students and faculty from all backgrounds are welcomed; where diversity of culture, philosophy, lifestyle, training and opinion are honored and nurtured.

    Space Generation Advisory Council, SGAC The Space Generation Advisory Council support the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, SGAC actively takes part at COPUOS, its subcommittees, UN Symposia and High-Level Forums in order to present the opinions and recommendations of its members, events and project groups.

  • IF Oxford - Oxford Science & Ideas Festival Graphic

    Education Volunteer

    IF Oxford - Oxford Science & Ideas Festival

    - 1 year 1 month

    Arts and Culture

    IF Oxford is organised by Oxfordshire Science Festival (Charity number 1151361), with Trustees and a small team that work year-round to produce the Festival which began in 1992. We believe festivals are the most powerful way to bring people together, inspiring curious minds of all ages and backgrounds to access and help shape new ideas. https://if-oxford.com/welcome-page/

  • Volunteer Staff

    Soapbox Science Oxford

    - 2 months

    Science and Technology

    Soapbox Science has two aims: to bring the opportunity to meet and interact with scientists to places you wouldn’t normally expect, and to increase the visibility of women in science. The importance of role models in both encouraging the next generation of scientists and supporting those already working in these male-dominated fields is well recognised. Soapbox Science helps challenge gender stereotypes that are established early in life by increasing the visibility of women in science and…

    Soapbox Science has two aims: to bring the opportunity to meet and interact with scientists to places you wouldn’t normally expect, and to increase the visibility of women in science. The importance of role models in both encouraging the next generation of scientists and supporting those already working in these male-dominated fields is well recognised. Soapbox Science helps challenge gender stereotypes that are established early in life by increasing the visibility of women in science and through locating events in popular public spaces like parks, high streets and beaches.

  • Student Volunteer

    Oxford Sparks - Beyond Boundaries Project

    - 1 year

    Science and Technology

    Oxford Sparks is the place to explore and discover exciting scientific research from the University of Oxford. The University of Oxford is proud to be home to a huge amount of ground-breaking scientific research. Here at Oxford Sparks we aim to share this amazing science with everyone, and to shine a spotlight on the brilliant researchers themselves, through open, fun and accessible content.



  • Transpiration Cooling Project


    The £7.34 Million UK-EPSRC and Rolls Royce funded Transpiration Cooling project is a joint initiative between the University of Oxford, Imperial University, University of Southampton and the University of Birmingham. Bringing together a world-leading team of researchers, it’s aim is to deliver underpinning research to make transpiration cooling a reality.

    See project

Honors & Awards

  • Top 7 Standard Chartered Women in Tech

    Standard Chartered Bank

    The Standard Chartered Women in Technology Incubator Kenya is Africa’s leading incubator programme for female-founded businesses, aligning with calls for more diversity in technology, and entrepreneurship and for more opportunities for women to develop entrepreneurial and leadership excellence. The program is an initiative of Standard Chartered in partnership with @iBizAfrica Centre, Strathmore University.

    My startup, Sqdgo (sqdgo.com) was selected top 15 out of over 240 startups to be…

    The Standard Chartered Women in Technology Incubator Kenya is Africa’s leading incubator programme for female-founded businesses, aligning with calls for more diversity in technology, and entrepreneurship and for more opportunities for women to develop entrepreneurial and leadership excellence. The program is an initiative of Standard Chartered in partnership with @iBizAfrica Centre, Strathmore University.

    My startup, Sqdgo (sqdgo.com) was selected top 15 out of over 240 startups to be incubated at Strathmore University for 3 months. In October 2023, after a round of rigorous pitching, Sqdgo was selected among the top 7 women-led startups to win a $10,000 grant from the program.

  • RMB Africa's Fearless Thinker Award

    Rand Merchant Bank, SA

    Dr Gladys Ngetich is the inaugural winner in the RMB’s Africa’s Fearless Thinker category at the 10th Accenture Gender Mainstreaming Awards (GMAs). RMB’s Africa’s Fearless Thinker award seeks to identify an individual who is recognised among their colleagues and/or community for their ground-breaking, innovative thought leadership on tackling gender mainstreaming issues. Read more here: https://www.rmb.co.za/news/winner-of-africas-fearless-thinker-award-announced

  • IAF Emerging Space Leader

    International Astronautical Federation

    These 25 students and young professionals were chosen by the IAF Emerging Space Leaders Sub-Committee composed of nine highly experienced space stakeholders. They will travel to Dubai in October 2021 to participate in the IAC and have the opportunity to extend their network, gain knowledge and meet space experts.

  • Rising Star in Aerospace

    MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    The Rising Stars in Aerospace workshop aims to increase the participation of people underrepresented among Aerospace Engineering professionals in academia and industry. It will be hosted virtually by the MiT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AeroAstro) on May 26-28, 2021. The event will be co-sponsored by the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford, and the Ann & H.J. Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder.

  • Schmidt Science Fellow

    The Schmidt Science Fellows

    The Schmidt Science Fellows, in partnership with the Rhodes Trust, seeks to create a new generation of scientific leaders. Our vision is to give the world’s best aspiring scientific minds a broader perspective, the ability to engage in an interdisciplinary way, and the opportunity to make a lasting impact on society. Through a combination of workshops at some of the world’s leading universities, individualized mentoring, and a special postdoctoral study in a field different from one’s existing…

    The Schmidt Science Fellows, in partnership with the Rhodes Trust, seeks to create a new generation of scientific leaders. Our vision is to give the world’s best aspiring scientific minds a broader perspective, the ability to engage in an interdisciplinary way, and the opportunity to make a lasting impact on society. Through a combination of workshops at some of the world’s leading universities, individualized mentoring, and a special postdoctoral study in a field different from one’s existing expertise, Fellows are given the tools necessary to solve the world’s most pressing problems and advance scientific discovery.

  • EY (Ernst & Young) Nova Prize Finalist

    EY (Ernst & Young) and The Tab

    Supported and sponsored by EY (Ernst & Young) and The Tab, the Nova Prize is a set of six annual awards, bestowed across several categories in recognition of female students who have made outstanding early contributions to STEM. From hundreds of entries, 5 exceptional women were selected from each category.

  • Kenya's Top 40 Under 40 Women

    Business Daily - Kenya

    "The Top 40 Under 40 list has also awarded high marks to women who have excelled in professions that have been and remain male dominated such as software engineering, actuarial science, aviation and engineering. This is because we believe there should be no gender-based glass ceiling on any dreams." Business Daily

  • UK's Top 10 Rare Rising Star

    Rare Recruitment

    '' Rare Rising Stars allows us to recognise and celebrate extraordinary candidates. Each year, we showcase the achievements of the best black students in the UK. Since the development of our Contextual Recruitment System, we have been fortunate enough to be able to shine a light on all outperformers by setting each candidate's achievements in context. We are delighted to be able to recognise the accomplishments of even more candidates, on a wider scale.'' Rare Recruitment

  • ASME IGTI Young Engineer Turbo Expo Participation Award (YETEP) 2018


    The ASME IGTI Young Engineer Turbo Expo Participation Award (YETEP) is intended for young engineers at companies, in government service, or engineering undergraduate or graduate students in the gas turbine or related fields to obtain travel funding to attend ASME Turbo Expo to present a paper which they have authored or co-authored. The purpose is to provide a way for more to participate in the annual Turbo Expo.

  • British Universities and Colleges 400 mH Semifinalist (2018)

    British Universities and Colleges (BUCS)

    British Universities & Colleges Sport is the governing body for university sport in the United Kingdom.

  • Skoll World Forum Fellow 2018

    Skoll World Forum

    The Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship seeks to accelerate entrepreneurial approaches and solutions to the world’s most pressing problems by uniting social entrepreneurs with essential partners in a collaborative pursuit of learning, leverage, and large-scale social change. Forum delegates represent nearly 65 countries and participate in a range of interactive events in which delegates can openly share, collaborate, innovate, and, ultimately, advance social entrepreneurship.

  • Tanenbaum Fellow


    The Tanenbaum Fellowship Program provides an opportunity for Rhodes Scholars to visit Israel on a multifaceted, intellectually rigorous program designed to challenge assumptions and foster thoughtful and honest discussion. The Rhodes Scholars Israel Experience allows participants to discover Israel beyond the media images and acquire a deeper understanding of Israeli society.

  • Rhodes Scholar

    The Rhodes Trust

    Rhodes Scholarship is the oldest and prestigious postgraduate scholarship awarded to the exceptional students from around the world to study at the University of Oxford.

  • ISFiT Ambassador


    ISFiT is the world’s largest international student festival. It is a non-profit organization that aims to create a better future for young people in the world. ISFiT is arranged every two years, and each festival has a theme related to social and political topics with international relevance. The festival is held in the city of Trondheim, Norway where over 450 students from all over the world gather to attend different workshops and take part in the cultural program of the festival.

  • Recipient of Babaroa Trust Award


    The Babaroa Trust Fund was established by an eminent Japanese Engineering Scholar Prof. Hiroji Nakagawa. The award goes to a top-performing student in each department across the university.


  • English

    Full professional proficiency


  • Iluu Organisation

    Co-Founder & CEO

    - Present

    Headquartered in Nairobi, Iluu Organisation aims to mentor, inspire and empower girls particularly those in the rural parts of Kenya. With the undying support from our partners and volunteers, we have been able to reach over 1500 girls in rural Kenya, majorly in Nakuru, Kericho and Bomet counties. We focus particularly on these 3 critical issues: *Sexual and reproductive health awareness *Promoting education *Mentorship If you would like to know more, visit www.iluu.org.

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