And last but not least, Michele Jonsson Funk, Jennifer Lund (UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC Pharmacoepi, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center) and team begin a new Triangle CERSI project to tackle a well-known challenge with using external #comparatorgroups for #clinicaltrials, particularly in #oncology.
An index date is the starting point for measuring outcomes. The timing of when to start tracking outcomes in the comparator group affects the estimated risks and can introduce biases. By using simulations and real-world examples, the research team aims to evaluate different index date selection strategies and their impact on bias and outcome estimation.
The findings will inform FDA discussions, support regulatory decisions, and enhance the understanding of external comparator arm designs, particularly in complex settings like #rarediseases and oncology.
This project addresses charge 1 of the FDA’s regulatory science framework: Modernize development and evaluation of FDA-regulated products with a focus on methods to assess #realworlddata to serve as #realworldevidence.
The Triangle CERSI is a Center of Excellence funded by the FDA to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University with partners, North Carolina Central University and North Carolina State University. To date, the Triangle CERSI has generated $11.1 million toward accelerating access to emerging scientific approaches essential for the FDA to remain at the forefront of regulatory decision making.