In the report, investigators assessed the efficacy of levofloxacin for the prevention of secondary cases of tuberculosis among household contacts of persons with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
Our landmark VQUIN trial published today in New England Journal of Medicine showed levofloxacin is safe for preventing multidrug-resistant #TB. 💊 Critically, the risk of developing TB was reduced by 60% at 54 weeks. This was shown in our pre-specified meta-analysis with the TB CHAMP Trial from South Africa in NEJM Evidence - also published today. These findings led to new recent global 🌏 Guidance from WHO recommending levofloxacin for treating TB infection among people at risk of #MDR-TB. Around the world, >400,000 households can now benefit from this new evidence each year. Funded by National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), and implemented through a wonderful collaboration between the Vietnam National Tuberculosis Program and Woolcock Institute of Medical Research. NEJM Group Guy Marks Thu-Anh Nguyen Ben J Marais Stephen Graham The University of Sydney Vietnam Institute Sydney Infectious Diseases Institute NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre Anneke Hesseling