Last night's Cocktails & Coaches was great. Lots of good conversations. I went on a passionate rant about how private practices were each unique and I used the comparison to belly buttons 😂 ! Came out of nowhere, not sure why, but I went with it.
Private practices are like belly buttons... no two are the same and each one is unique to its owner. The owner of a practice is unique, as is the culture, energy, team, client base, referrals, the offerings. It all starts with the owner. What works for you may not work for others. What you need may not be what someone else needs.
General cookie-cutter approaches to building your practice are not ideal. It may work while getting the basics in order, but do you know where you need the most help? Is it finding your mission & vision, identifying your ideal client, recruiting, retaining, leadership, running meetings, financials, SOPs, culture...?
Think about what you are most uncomfortable with. What are you avoiding?
Do you keep focussing time and energy on what you do well and avoid what you don't do well?
The magic happens in working on what you don't do well!