Check out the final piece of research from Early Riders in 2024: Do More With Less
In Peter Thiel's book Zero to One, he articulates how technology is one form of innovation as it can produce progress that is both new and unique, progress that allows us to do more with less, which is the key to creating a better and more sustainable future.
Human beings are inherently deflationary, and with the acceleration of technological progress, investors and founders who combine the highest leverage deflationary tools – software, Bitcoin and AI – will experience the greatest returns on productivity and capital.
Humans, teams, and companies have become drastically more efficient over time as we have leveraged the collective knowledge of humankind to accurately identify challenges, create and refine powerful tools to solve problems, and share education about the most effective ways to utilize those tools collectively.
Bitcoin is the unit that ties all of these units of productivity together in creating the most optimal and efficient outcome for the market. We anticipate that efficiencies will continue accelerating as the Bitcoin price accelerates, creating even more sophisticated and useful technologies.
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