Thanks again Noel Goldstein, Dr. David Tyler and the APG/Parsons Corporation team for hosting LCR Embedded Systems, Abaco Systems and Sciens Innovations and your other partners to participate in your CEMA - related technologies TEM. It was quite informative and allowed your outstanding partnership network and Paladin Lab facility to be on display for industry and Government engagement. Thanks again for including us. Eagle Sales Corp Nancy VanWormer David Freeman Travis Doll, PhD Anthony Reindl
Spent an insightful afternoon at the Parson's Paladin Lab on APG this week, discussing SOSA, CMOSS, MORA and VICTORY with the PEO C3N community, and how these standards are impacting capabilities like APNT and Dual Enclave Architectures. Always fun to catch up with Partners like Travis Doll, PhD from Sciens Innovations. Lots of advanced capabilities with MORA and RF DSP on display.